Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Gender & Place in Europe

Gender & Place in Europe is a virtual series that featured planners, researchers, and practitioners from around Europe to share case studies and lessons learnt from first hand experiences in making places more gender equitable.

This series provides a platform for inspiring approaches to reducing gender inequalities in the built environment, with a focus on data, engagement and policymaking. Revisit the archive of presentations and videos to learn about:

  • How to collect relevant data
  • How to implement gender mainstreaming within local authorities/public sector bodies
  • Overcoming misconceptions and getting the messaging right
  • Practical design examples of how gender mainstreaming can reshape a place

21 March: What local authorities can learn from the experiences of women nightshift workers in Barcelona

Barcelona-based feminist urban planning collective, Collectiu Punt 6, shared highlights from their award winning publication, Nocturnas. Nocturnas provides an in-depth study of the experiences of women nightshift workers in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) to shine a light on how the design of cities affect women’s everyday experiences of transport, work options, and their personal lives.

Presented by sociologist and planner Sara Ortiz Escalante, this webinar also provided examples of how the collective has worked with local authorities to conduct night time audits and implement measures to embed a gender-responsive lens in planning.

17 April: Embedding Gender Mainstreaming in a European capital city – Vienna’s Experience

Gender budgeting has been legally binding in Vienna since 2005, and four years later it became a legal obligation for all of Austria. In Vienna, gender budgeting acts as a foundation for the city’s gender mainstreaming work, a critical part of Vienna City Council’s approach to service delivery.

In this webinar Ursula Bauer, Head of Section for Gender Mainstreaming in Vienna City Council demonstrated how the city has embedded and embraced gender mainstreaming. She covered the practical steps to take to embed this perspective within a local authority – from building a bank of evidence to reporting and controlling.

This webinar charted a long term view of the benefits and impacts of gender budgeting and gender mainstreaming in Vienna, and how other local authorities can learn from the city’s experience.

The recording and presentation slides are below.

9 May: Barcelona City Council – Strategies and Implementations

In our second session about Barcelona, we received an insight into how Barcelona City Council is reshaping the city through gender mainstreaming. This presentation covered the subject across many scales – from an overarching gender mainstreaming strategy of the city to investigating how public spaces can be improved through a gendered lens.

Attendees received an overview from Estel Crusellas Tura, who has worked on Barcelona’s gender mainstreaming strategy since 2013. She’s currently part of the Directorate of Gender Services and Time Policies team, where, among others, she is in charge of the II Plan for Gender Justice (2021-2025) for the Barcelona City Council.

Blai Martí, an expert in gender mainstreaming in local policies, gave further detail on the council’s design guidance and methodologies to implementing gender mainstreaming across the city. He specialises in gender budgeting, mobility services and urban planning within the Barcelona City Council.

The presentation slides and recording are available below.

22 May 2024: Closing Panel

Our closing panel addressed the present and future of gender mainstreaming in Europe, looking at topics such as engagement, data collection, allyship, and recommendations to take forward in your work.

About the panel:

Shgufta Anwar, Founder, Women on Wheels
Shgufta is the founding director of Women on Wheels, a Glasgow-based community cycling hub for women. A service designed and led by women, Women on Wheels deliver a range of cycling activities to get women back on a bike or onto a bike for the very first time. Their vision is ‘to make women on wheels the norm, not the exception.’

Sara Candiracci, Associate Director, Cities, Planning and Design Team, Arup
Sara had the role as research director for Arup’s report ‘Cities Alive: Designing cities that work for women‘, published in 2022, that explored the importance of gender-inclusive and responsive approaches within urban planning when creating thriving cities that benefit all residents. 

Romain Loubiere, Co-Founder, Cyclable by Design
Romain is an urban planner who records various data as part of his work – amongst other – to highlight how women are still under-represented in Paris’ cycling boom. He is a member of both the collective FéminiCités and Femclub that investigate urban planning through an intersectional gender lens. 

The panel was chaired by Tiffany Lam, DEI Lead at Sustrans whose research specialties include safer cities for women and girls and gender-inclusive cycling.


Gender mainstreaming resources, reports, and case studies mentioned in the Gender & Place in Europe Series are recapped in this downloadable list below. Please note: some resources are not in English; web-based translation tools can be used to access the content.

ChildrenAndYoungPeople Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Enabling Active Travel to Schools Roundtable


This roundtable brought together researchers and practitioners to discuss the enablers and barriers of active travel to schools, including bike buses, walking buses, safer school streets, and community participation.

The panellists explored examples of bike and walking buses across the UK, the rationale and significance behind them, and how local authorities can support bike and walking buses whilst managing risks.

This session was jointly presented by the Engage-Inspire-Learn programme within Places for Everyone as well as the Education & Young People team at Sustrans.

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Useful Resources and Links

Strathclyde Active Mobility Hub Survey: This survey supports the work from our panellists from the University of Strathclyde. Please take a moment to share the impact of their panel contributions on your practice.

• Download the FRideDays Bike Bus Toolkit and explore Sustrans’ support to set up a bike bus in your community

• Watch videos that showcase the work of the FRideDays Bike Bus team for inspiration, starting with Radnor, Ty’n y Wern, or Gwaelod y Garth

• You can get in touch with the Sustrans Bike Bus team at or follow the team’s activites on Twitter/X @fridedaysbb

• Access the Walk to School resources from Living Streets, including resources for Early Years, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools or Universities

• Learn more about the Shawlands Bike Bus and the coverage of their award-winning traffic calming technology in The Guardian


Katherine Cory – Founder, Shawlands Bike Bus, and Associate, Active Travel Mobility Hub, University of Strathclyde

Dr. James Bonner – Research Associate, University of Strathclyde, Active Travel Mobility Hub

Chris Thompson – Programme Manager, Living Streets Scotland

Hamish Belding – Bike Bus Coordinator, FRideDays Bike Bus Team, Sustrans (Wales)

Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

How best to engage businesses when delivering active travel infrastructure


What are the key challenges to engaging businesses when delivering active travel infrastructure? Are they more supportive of some schemes and interventions than others? How can local authorities engage with local businesses to cut through negative perceptions?

In this webinar, colleagues from within the Research and Monitoring Unit at Sustrans shared their findings and recommendations from their recently published report, ‘How best to engage businesses when delivering active travel infrastructure.’

Based on a survey and interviews with 83 businesses in Scotland and interviews with individuals who have experience engaging with businesses, and funded through Sustrans’ Scottish Research Programme, this report focuses on how best to work and engage with local businesses when planning and delivering new walking, wheeling and cycling measures.

This session will shared key takeaways about levels of support for active travel schemes, and how perceptions vary depending on the type of measure – from the most to least popular interventions. It will also share local businesses’ preferences in terms of channels and methods of communication


Webinar Recording

Presentation Slides

You can download a copy of the presentation below.

Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Active Travel in Europe: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

Poster image with 'Active Travel in Europe: 8th-29th June'

About the Series

In the second edition of the series Active Travel in Europe, we explored low traffic neighbourhoods, also known as superblocks, across Europe with practitioners from five different cities – Barcelona, Utrecht, Vienna, Berlin, and Edinburgh.

The fantastic selection of keynote speakers brought different perspectives and experiences in this year’s theme. Ragnhild Sørensen, Head of Communication at Changing Cities, discussed how they are creating superblocks (kiezblocks) from a bottom-up view in Berlin. Florian Lorenz and Georg Wieser of Studio LAUT presented their work on the first pilot superblock (supergrätzl) in Vienna, and the ongoing pan-European r+d project TuneOurBlock – which examines how to expand the superblock concept as a policy and strategy tool. Hans Karssenberg, partner at STIPO, gave a presentation about their work in creating a low traffic neighbourhood from scratch – in a new residential district of Utrecht.

Sílvia Casorrán Martos, Deputy Chief Architect at Barcelona City Council, discussed how superblocks (superilles) form a critical component of the city’s Urban Mobility plan. Patrick Kappert, board member of the Collective Superblock Poblenou neighbours organisation, joined us in our closing panel session to shed light on community organising through the development of Barcelona’s first superblock in Poblenou. Bringing the series back to Scotland, Miles Wilkinson, Senior Project Manager at City of Edinburgh Council, shared his experience of delivering Leith Connections, reducing traffic and improving walkability in Leith.

Finally, we closed this second edition of Active Travel in Europe with a panel session to address recurring themes such as community engagement and participation, political challenges, and placemaking.

You can revisit last year’s discussions by checking out the 2022 Active Travel in Europe event page.

Event Recap and Recordings

Recordings from presentations are available below and slides are posted where available. In addition, a resource pack is available that includes a number of articles, videos, and tools that speakers mentioned within their presentations. It is a non-exhaustive list and serves to provide additional reading.


‘How Berlin is using a bottom-up approach’ was presented by Ragnhild Soerensen of Berlin-based advocacy organisation, Changing Cities.

Access the presentation slides. Password: LTNsummer2023


‘Developing for human scale: the city at eye level in Merwede, Utrecht’ was presented by Hans Karssenberg, partner at Dutch firm STIPO.

Related event: Placemaking Europe, Strasbourg, 26-29 September

Access the presentation slides. Password: LTNsummer2023


‘The Viennese Supergrätzl and the quest to build research across Europe’ was presented by Florian Lorenz of LAUT Studio in Vienna.

Access the presentation slides.


‘Challenges in transforming public space and mobility in Barcelona’ was presented by Sílvia Casorrán Martos, Deputy Chief Architect at Barcelona City Council.

Access the presentation slides. Password: LTNsummer2023


‘Leith Connections: navigating design and engagement in Edinburgh’ was presented by Miles Wilkinson of City of Edinburgh Council.

Panel Session

Speakers from the series were invited back for a closing panel session to be in conversation with each other and address recurring themes throughout the series. The panel session includes an additional speaker, Patrick Kappert of Collectiu Superilla Poblenou, a community group in Barcelona that was critical in the implementation of Barcelona’s first superblock.

Watch the recording below as we discussed engagement and participation, political challenges, and placemaking.

Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Designing with Children and Young People

Event video: Catch up on the highlights of the day

Welcome to our event! On this page you’ll find all the information about the agenda, speakers, and resources. Simply click on the headings below or scroll through to see the relevant section.


See below for the agenda.

🎟️ 9:30 – 10:00 – Check in and Arrival

Collect your badge and enjoy breakfast bites, teas, and coffees.

🎤 10:00 – 11:00 – Welcome and keynote

Room: Proclaim

Why does creating for and with young people matter? Karen McGregor, Director of Sustrans Scotland, opens the day with welcoming remarks. Afterwards, hear from colleagues in Orkney Islands Council discuss the creation of the intergenerational Papdale Park.

Presented by: Garry Burton (Orkney Islands Council), Michael Harvey (Sustrans embedded officer at Orkney Islands Council), and Liz Leech (HarrisonStevens)

11:00 – 11:15 – Coffee Break
💡 11:15 – 12:35 – Spotlight Sessions

In this morning block, you’ll have the opportunity to attend two case studies. The sticker on your badge lets you know which room to go to first. There is a 10 minute comfort break in between sessions.

Connecting Woodside – Garscube Road
Room: Proclaim
🚲Bike Group – 11:15-11:50
👟Walking Group – 12:00-12:35

Connecting Woodside is an ambitious area-based project forming a key component of Glasgow’s proposed city-wide cycle network. Glasgow City Council have recently completed Phase 1 of the project, a 1km bi-directional, segregated cycle route on the A81, Garscube Road. The Council, through a number of community engagement events and focus groups undertaken with disability groups, developed a fully inclusive design that prioritised those walking and cycling.

Presented by: Aidan O’Meara, Assistant Group Manager, Glasgow City Council and Malcolm Hall, Engineering Officer, Glasgow City Council

Engagement Techniques in Kilbarchan Pocket Place
Room: Aspire

👟Walking Group – 11:15-11:50
🚲Bike Group – 12:00-12:35

Activate your senses and let a charming pig on a scooter bring a smile to your day. Join us to hear about how between June 2019 and June 2020, we co-designed and trialled changes to the street outside a school in Renfrewshire. The project aimed to encourage walking and wheeling through the creation of a safer and more pleasant urban environment.

Presented by: Christina Eley, Delivery Coordinator, Education and Young People

🍽️ 12:35 – 13:20 – LUNCH
💡 13:20 – 16:00 – Afternoon Workshops

Apply this morning’s learnings and take a deep dive into the Designing with Children and Young People toolkit. You will stay in the same groups as this morning (check your sticker).

How to apply child-friendly design in School Streets

Room: Proclaim
🚲Bike Group -13:20 – 14:35
👟Walking Group – 14:45 – 16:00

Let’s put the 12 dimensions of child-friendly design into action! Facilitated by the Sustrans design team, this workshop invites participants to think like a designer and consider the needs of a school street from a child’s perspective. Using the dimensions of child-friendly design from the toolkit, you will apply these to a real-life scenario.

Presented by: Paul Ruffles, Principal Urban Designer, Sustrans and Leti Valle, Urban Designer, Sustrans

Codesigning places with Children and Young People: Why, How and When?

Room: Aspire
👟Walking Group: 13:20 – 14:35
🚲Bike Group: 14:45 – 16:00

The goal for this session is for you to gain a sense of what good engagement in place-based projects looks like from the perspective of children and young people. We will work with you to reflect upon:

  • Why engagement with children and young people is important;
  • Why different ages and settings require different approaches;
  • What ‘good’ looks like in your own and others practice, and how to measure success;
  • How to align the Places for Everyone toolkit with the process and outcomes of engagement; and
  • Fears and prejudices towards meaningful engagement of children and young people, and strategies to overcome them.

Presented by: A Place in Childhood; Dr. Jamie Hamilton and Dr. Jenny Wood

🌇 16:00 – Closing and Final Remarks

Reflect on the day’s learnings and share your takeaways from the day. Guests are welcome to stay back for some post-event networking.

Speaker Bios

Read all about today’s speakers in our compiled list of speaker bios:


Access key resources from today’s event: