Case Studies News News & Opinion Places for Everyone

How smart infrastructure can help build a sustainable future

Increasing walking, wheeling, and cycling are all great ways improve physical and mental health.

However, active journeys are also a key part of the national response to the climate emergency, and our overall ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions.

Through Places for Everyone, Sustrans is working with partners all across Scotland to deliver safe and accessible active travel infrastructure.

This includes new connections linking up isolated rural communities as well as expansive city-wide networks to help people get where they need to go.

As part of this, we want to ensure that every one of our projects is delivered in as sustainable a way as possible to reduce our own carbon emissions.

So how can we do it?

Outlining the techniques

How we approach the design and procurement of construction materials during project delivery can have a big impact on our carbon output. 
When delivering infrastructure, it is helpful to think about what we can avoid, what we switch to as an alternative, and also what we can improve in the process.

What to avoid

Reducing the need for new construction can significantly increase project sustainability.

This might mean finding different ways to meet your goals without building new infrastructure at all, or by simply making the most out of what already exists through reuse or repurposing.

This approach encourages us to think creatively and sustainably to minimize new constructions. 

  • Utilising existing pathways: Before considering new constructions, explore if there are existing pathways that can be renovated or repurposed to suit the needs of the project. This might include old railway paths commonly used by the National Cycle Network, or old bridges that are no longer suitable for heavy vehicles but can carry lower loads.
  • Multi-purpose facilities: Rather than building new assets, we can design spaces that serve multiple purposes, thus reducing the overall need for new constructions.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with the community can sometimes reveal alternatives and local insights that help in avoiding new constructions. For instance, local communities might propose efficient ways to repurpose existing assets that outsiders might not be aware of.
Forres Roysvale Park

In partnership with Moray Council, the Forres Roysvale Park project shows how excess road space can be used to implement sustainable drainage solutions. By narrowing the existing carriageway, a 3-metre-wide shared use path was introduced alongside tactical rain gardens. This not only provided a safe and direct link between Forres Academy and Applegrove primary and nearby residential areas, but also served to alleviate surface water issues. 

Where to switch

Opting for alternatives without compromising on quality can result in major savings to your carbon footprint.

This might involve changing the project scope, redesigning the approach, choosing different materials, or technologies that are more eco-friendly.

  • Sustainable Materials: Using recycled or recovered materials can significantly reduce the carbon emissions associated with the production of new materials.
  • Low Carbon Technologies: Leveraging technologies that are more energy-efficient or that have a lower environmental impact, e.g., using electric plant vehicles used in construction.
  • Nature-Based Solutions: Taking advantage of nature-based solutions, like creating green corridors which not only facilitate active travel but also enhance biodiversity.
  • Permeable pavements: Using permeable pavements can aid in water management, reducing the need for separate drainage systems.
Loans to Troon Railway

In partnership with South Ayrshire Council and Ayrshire Roads Alliance, an all-new traffic-free route to join the settlements of Loans and Troon was completed in 2023. As well as providing a key active travel link, the Loans to Troon route is notable for being constructed from almost entirely recycled paving materials. This serves to create an affordable, long-lasting but also sustainable connection between key trip generators, such as Marr College and Troon train station.

How to improve

Increasing the sustainability of the materials being used for construction can sway the carbon output of a project significantly.

This can involve thinking about the longevity and durability of the materials being used and, ultimately, planning for its reuse or recycling.

  • Circular Economy Principles: Applying circular economy principles might mean designing assets that can be easily dismantled and the materials reused or recycled, thereby reducing waste.
  • Long-life, low maintenance materials: Reducing the need to maintain and increasing time before resurfacing is needed in the future will help reducing carbon emitted during the lifetime of an asset.
  • Native landscaping: Integrate local plants alongside paths. These require less water and maintenance, sequester carbon, and enhance the appeal of the path, encouraging more use.
  • Inclusive Design and Aesthetic Design: Ensuring the pathway is accessible to people of all ages and abilities not only promotes inclusivity but also encourages more people to use the pathway, potentially reducing carbon emissions from reduced car use. Making the pathway attractive, possibly through the inclusion of art installations or well-designed green spaces, can encourage more people to use it, fostering a sense of community while also reducing carbon emissions through reduced car usage.
Roseburn to Union Canal

With the City of Edinburgh Council, work is underway to link the Union Canal with the North Edinburgh Path Network via a new traffic-free route. Inaccessible areas of decaying shrubland will be restored via tree planting and community gardens. This not only delivers a valuable connection from north to south, but also a new green corridor.

The above guidelines have been categorised according to the PAS 2080 Carbon Management in Infrastructure standard, which supports organisations wanting to lower emissions from their construction activities.

For further information, please see the Carbon Management in Buildings and Infrastructure report.

Case Studies News News & Opinion Places for Everyone

Improving active links with public transport across Scotland

Across Scotland, 29% of households don’t have access to a car. 

In our major cities, this figure rises to 46% of households in Glasgow and Dundee, and 41% in Edinburgh. 

So what can we do to give everyone in Scotland fairer choices in how they get around? And how are we supporting communities in moving towards lower carbon, healthier and happier journeys?

Convenient access to transport hubs plays a key role in how people choose to make everyday journeys. Credit: Sustrans (2023).

Increasing and improving the opportunities to walk, wheel and cycle for short, everyday journeys has a huge role to play.  

But good, reliable public transport is vital for longer journeys to work, education, everyday amenities, and friends. 

And most of these longer journeys already start and end with a walk, wheel or cycle to a stop or station.   

With Scotland aiming to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20 per cent by 2030, we take a look at some of the ways we’re better connecting walking, wheeling and cycling with public transport across Scotland and making it easier to leave the car at home.

Stirling train station transformation

The regeneration of Stirling train station is a primary example of how access to train stations can be dramatically improved for walking, wheeling, and cycling. 

More than 200 bike spaces a now available at Stirling station, including for cargo bikes and adapted cycles. Credit: Sustrans (2023).

With funding provided through Places for Everyone and working closely with ScotRail, the ambitious £5m Stirling Station Gateway project delivered a complete re-design of the station forecourt. 
Completed in June 2023, major changes include widened footways, comfortable seating areas, landscaping works, as well as improved signage and wayfinding points. 
Another key feature is the increased provision of secure covered cycle storage, offering more than 140 additional cycle parking spaces and increasing the total number of cycle spaces at the station to more than 200. 
A large portion of the space required for these improvements was been created via changes to the carriageway and the reallocation of the taxi rank to an adjacent street. 
Importantly, access for blue badge holders has been entirely retained at the station, with additional spaces even being provided.  
Perhaps one of the biggest successes of the project, however, is how well it interconnects with the wider Walk Cycle Live Stirling project via segregated cycleways along Gooscroft Road. 
Delivered in partnership with Stirling Council via Places for Everyone, Walk Cycle Live Stirling aims to deliver a £9.5m city-wide active travel network. 
Taken together, all this has helped transform the area from an unappealing vehicle-dominated environment to one which creates space for safer, and more accessible active travel options.

Bike spaces on Borders buses

Bike storage on the X62 service, serving the Tweed Valley and Scottish Borders.

The work which Sustrans delivered with Borders Buses highlights how public transport can assist cyclists in making longer journeys without having to leave the bike behind.

With the novel creation of bike storage spaces on board, the X62 service, which serves Tweed Valley and the Scottish Borders, was able to become a fully bike-friendly route.

This involved retrofitting bike storage onto buses so that every bus operating on the X62 route would have space for a minimum of two bikes.

It also involved a change in livery, marketing and promotional materials with the aim to increase the catchment area of the bus service.

The money Sustrans provided resulted in a fully bike-friendly bus service that runs from Edinburgh to the Scottish Borders. By making buses bike-friendly, they become accessible to more people.

Case Studies News News & Opinion Places for Everyone

Celebrations as major Glasgow cycling route reaches city centre

The South City Way has hit a major milestone by reaching Glasgow city centre.

To mark the occasion, the 2.5km route was officially opened by the Minister for Active Travel and members of the community on the 6 July 2023.

The fully-segregated, two-way cycle path has provided a high quality, direct and safe link between Glasgow’s southside and the city centre. 

It’s making it easier than ever for more people in the area to leave the car at home and make healthier and happier everyday journeys.

The route is also expected to benefit trade through improved access to the area.

The project was made possible by over £3.5 million of funding from the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone/Community Links PLUS programme.

Glasgow City Council used their own funding as a partial match, bringing the project total to around £7m.

Construction work started on the project in December 2017 and was completed up to the Clyde in June 2023.

What is the South City Way?

The new segregated route has created a vital and accessible active travel link for local communities.

The South City Way has connected key destinations such as hospitals and medical centres, parks, businesses, academic institutions and places of worship along the cycling corridor.

The project has also improved access to public transport in the area.

To make it safer and easier to walk and wheel, pavements have been resurfaced along large parts of the route, with new crossing points installed, existing crossings improved and traffic speeds slowed through the addition of raised tables on side roads. 

These changes will make everyday walking, wheeling and cycling journeys safer, easier and more convenient for everyone. 

The South City Way also connects with National Cycle Network Routes 775 and 756 at the traffic-free Clyde-side path.

This opens up the possibility of longer trips heading east from Glasgow to Uddingston, East Kilbride and Rutherglen, and west to Clydebank, Bowling, Dumbarton, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs.

The South City Way has connected key destinations such as hospitals and medical centres, parks, businesses, academic institutions and places of worship along the cycling corridor. Credit: Sustrans/McAteer Photography

An innovative approach to active travel infrastructure

During the project, we worked closely with Glasgow City Council to trial two protected junctions at locations along Victoria Road.

These were the first protected junctions trialled in Scotland.

Protected junctions are road junctions that separate people travelling on foot, by cycle, and in vehicles. 

The trial was successful, with our Research and Monitoring Unit finding that between March 2019 and September 2021, the total cycle traffic through the junctions almost doubled.

More than 935,000 cycle journeys have now been recorded on Glasgow’s South City Way cycle route in the past two years. 

A project with community at its heart

The South City Way is about much more than the new connection to the city centre.

Businesses, community organisations and individuals have been at the heart of the project from the outset.  

The creation of a Community Projects Trail featuring murals, bike locking facilities, planters and much more was supported by the South City Way Small Grants Fund and led by local groups.  

This has helped make the active travel corridor an attractive, inclusive and welcoming space for everyone. 

Representatives from the Hidden Gardens, Govanhill Baths Trust, Bike for Good, South Seeds and Crossroads Youth and Community Association joined the Minister for Active Travel, Patrick Harvie MSP, and officials from Glasgow City Council and Sustrans Scotland to celebrate the South City Way launch event on 6 July.

Businesses, community organisations and individuals have been at the heart of the project from the outset. Credit: Sustrans/McAteer Photography

A cause for celebration

Speaking ahead of the event, Minister for Active Travel, Patrick Harvie MSP, said:

“I’m pleased to welcome the completion of the South City Way to Glasgow City centre.

We will soon see over a million cycle journeys on this new active travel corridor, which is yet another example of segregated infrastructure making it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle for everyday journeys.

With the eyes of the world on Scotland for the first ever UCI 2023 Cycling World Championships, it’s schemes like this which demonstrate the shared intent of Government and Local Authorities to make cycling safer and more convenient as a means of everyday transport.

For our health, wellbeing and environment, our ambition to deliver more infrastructure like this, right across the country, has never been higher.

That’s why the Scottish Government has committed to spending at least £320 million, or 10% of the total transport budget, on active travel by 2024‑25.”

Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Active Travel

Councillor Angus Millar highlighted the newly released cycle journey figures as clear evidence of the demand for improved cycling infrastructure in Glasgow:

“It’s great to see the difference the South City Way is making to cycling in the southside area of Glasgow. 

The cycle journey figures are remarkable and show without doubt that people want to get about Glasgow more sustainably when infrastructure is available for them to do so.

Now that the South City Way has reached the city centre, I am confident the number of people cycling on the route will continue to grow.

Concerns about safety are the number one barrier to cycling and our work to ensure safe, segregated routes in all areas of Glasgow will support more people to choose cycling for everyday journeys across the city.

We will continue to work closely with the Scottish Government, Sustrans and communities across Glasgow as we deliver our commitment to create a comprehensive City Network for active travel over the course of the decade.”

Cllr Angus Millar, Glasgow City Council

Carole Patrick, Portfolio Director for Sustrans Scotland, added:

“The South City Way is about so much more than the new safe and direct connection to the city centre.

Working in partnership with Glasgow City Council through our Scottish Government-funded Places for Everyone programme, we are so proud of the fact that local communities have been at the heart of the project.

Businesses, community organisations and individuals have really embraced the opportunities for the southside.

The community-led projects supported by the Small Grants Fund have had such a powerful impact in making the South City Way corridor an attractive, inclusive and welcoming space for everyone. 

Putting communities at the heart of projects and investing in safe, high-quality infrastructure which makes it easier to leave the car at home and walk, wheel or cycling for everyday journeys is a winning combination.

Monitoring in 2019 and 2021, before and after the innovative protected junctions were installed, recorded a 100% increase in cycling journeys – and recent sensor figures show that the South City Way is supporting and encouraging more and more people to make healthier and happier journey choices.

“We look forward to continuing to work with our partners at Glasgow City Council and the Scottish Government to build on the success of the South City Way and make it easier for even more people to walk, wheel and cycle.”  

Carole Patrick, Portfolio Director, Sustrans Scotland
News News & Opinion Research and Monitoring

Active travel increases after path upgrades to Wishawhill Wood

The Wishawhill Wood path links the suburb of Craigneuk in North Lanarkshire with Wishaw town centre via a high-quality active travel route.

Previously, the only option for walking, wheeling and cycling away from the busy road, and without the use of an inaccessible footbridge over the railway, was a muddy and overgrown path.

Construction on the new route was completed in 2020.

It has since provided a safe and easy way for people of all abilities to travel between Craigneuk and Wishaw, as well as improving access to the local woodland and Wishawhill Wood Pump Track.

The project was led by Green Action Trust (GAT) and part-funded by the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme. Match funding was provided by North Lanarkshire Council who have also taken on maintenance responsibility for the route.

Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit (RMU) evaluated the impact of the project in 2022 by counting and surveying people using the path, as well as interviewing local people and stakeholders.

The Wishawhill Wood path links the suburb of Craigneuk in North Lanarkshire with Wishaw town centre via a high-quality active travel route. Credit: Green Action Trust.

What were the findings?

RMU analysis found that the path has contributed to substantially more trips being taken through Wishawhill Wood – particularly by young and older people.

Before the path upgrade, an estimated 16,000 trips were made during 2019 by people passing through or visiting the pump track. After the upgrade, an estimated 41,000 trips were taken during 2022 – about two and a half times as many.

The path is mainly used for recreation and has helped local residents increase their regular physical activity.

In 2022, 40% of survey respondents said they made a journey along the route daily, compared with 15% in 2019.

The path upgrade has also helped people access a much wider range of local services than before.

Many people using the route strongly agreed that it is easily accessible, enhances the area and meets the needs of the community.

85% of respondents said they were walking or cycling because the path was the most convenient route to get to their destination, up from 18% in 2019.

Numbers of people strongly agreeing that the path is well maintained, feels safe and is well lit have also increased, but are still relatively low.

RMU analysis found that the path has contributed to substantially more trips being taken through Wishawhill Wood.

A community asset

Reflecting on the impact upgrading the path has had on the local community, interviewees were positive.

One person told us:

“It’s a great green transport link, in terms of from the centre of Wishaw, right the way down through…it certainly has opened the area up.”

Local resident, Wishaw

Dan Scott, the Managing Director at Socialtrack, a local social enterprise that encourages people to cycle, scoot, and skateboard, explained how the upgraded path had encouraged pump track users to cycle rather than drive.

“Six lads travelled from another part of Wishaw, which was two miles away from the pump track. The first time they came, six lads came in four cars and then six lads came in three cars, and then eventually six lads came themselves on their own bikes.”

Dan Scott, Managing Director, Socialtrack

Communicating the results

By presenting the findings of the study as a StoryMap, which uses a combination of interactive maps, graphs, voice recordings from local people and “before and after” photos, users can simply and interactively learn more about the project.

The webpage details the story of the path, how it was developed, how it connects people and place, and its impact within the local community.

Alan Boyd, Evaluation Officer in Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit, said:

“We are pleased to share our findings which detail the increase in walking, wheeling and cycling as a result of the path upgrade in Wishawhill Wood.”

“The new path has created a safer and more accessible route for people of all abilities travelling between Craigneuk and Wishaw.”

“We have uploaded our analysis onto a StoryMap for those who would like to find out more about the project. The StoryMap is flexible, so users can zoom in and out of the maps, easily skip to whatever research they find most interesting, and listen to local people discuss the changes that they have seen since the path opened.”

Alan Boyd, Evaluation Officer, Sustrans
The upgraded path had encouraged people to cycle rather than drive to the local pump track. Credit: Holly Musgrove/Sustrans, 2022.

Mike Batley, Development Officer at Green Action Trust, added:

“The Wishawhill Wood project has been a great opportunity for the Green Action Trust and partners to make a real difference to people’s quality of life through access to greenspace and active travel.”

“Anecdotally the path has clearly had a positive effect, however this new piece of evaluation has put firm data behind its impact, which is very encouraging for future projects.”

“The StoryMap brings the work to life in an easily understood and engaging way, so I’m delighted to see the results in this format.”

Mike Batley, Development Officer, Green Action Trust

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News News & Opinion Places for Everyone

Analysis shows increase in active travel after project delivery

The 2020/21 evaluation report published today provides evidence on the key impacts of the Places for Everyone grant fund, and demonstrates the contributions of the programme to the outcomes set out in Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Framework.

The report also highlights how the programme performed during the pandemic and the baseline monitoring currently being undertaken for projects in the design stage.

The Places for Everyone programme is funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Sustrans.

The programme is open to a range of organisations in Scotland – including local authorities and community groups – that enables the creation of active travel infrastructure.

In addition to funding, the programme also provides advice and support to partners on establishing safe, attractive, healthier places in our urban and rural areas.

There are currently around 250 projects in place or in development as part of the Places for Everyone programme.

Impact of the programme

The report aggregated data from projects across the lifespan of the Places for Everyone programme up to and including the 2020/21 funding year. This includes Sustrans Scotland’s previous Community Links and Community Links Plus grant funds.

One of the key findings is that walking, wheeling, and cycling numbers increased after the completion of infrastructure projects.  

Results from an analysis of 30 projects showed a 54% average estimated rise in active travel trips after initial delivery.

Further study showed that the increase in active travel was sustained one year after delivery, with 24 projects averaging a 37% increase in trips.

The 2020/21 evaluation report provides evidence on the key impacts of the Places for Everyone grant fund and demonstrates the contributions of the programme to the outcomes set out in Transport Scotland’s Active Travel Framework.

The monitoring also suggests that the programme led to an improvement in the perception of safety among both pedestrians and cyclists.

This was particularly evident among groups who traditionally regard safety as a barrier to active travel, including women, the elderly and disabled people.

Local people’s perceptions of community involvement in planned Places for Everyone projects were equally encouraging.

In Glasgow, a survey of 984 local residents found that 71% felt the Connecting Woodside project would either greatly or slightly improve the sense of community in their area.

Monitoring and evaluation during the pandemic

Results show that Places for Everyone projects were particularly beneficial to communities in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The programme helped mitigate against some of the impacts at local level by providing safe active travel options for key workers and others.

The projects saw increases in walking, wheeling and cycling during a period of unparalleled societal change.

In Edinburgh, for example, the Innocent Railway path project saw a 344% growth in cycling between 2014 and during the pandemic in 2020.

The report aggregated data from projects across the lifespan of the Places for Everyone programme up to and including the 2020/21 funding year.

Looking ahead

The Places for Everyone programme is committed to enabling more people in Scotland to walk, wheel and cycle for their everyday journeys.

The Research and Monitoring Unit are continuing to monitor a sample of projects currently at design stage, and will update their analysis with projects from 2021/22 and 2022/23.

Planned work includes upgrading active travel routes, improvements to public spaces in our towns and cities, connecting communities and key hubs and addressing local safety issues.

This highlights the variety in the programme’s work, with projects ranging from rural to urban and village to city.

It also evidences Places for Everyone’s contributions to wider development projects such as local masterplans and flood defence schemes.

One of the key findings is that walking, wheeling, and cycling numbers increased after the completion of infrastructure projects.  

Nigel Donnell from Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit, said:

“We’re really pleased to be able to share this evaluation report. It highlights that the Places for Everyone programme is helping people throughout Scotland to walk, wheel and cycle for more of their everyday journeys.

We are really proud of everything it has achieved so far, and with around 250 projects in place or in development the fund will continue to play an important role in creating safer, more attractive, healthier, and inclusive communities.

We’d like to thank Transport Scotland for providing the funding to facilitate the Places for Everyone fund, and our delivery partners whose hard work has ensured the success of the programme”.

The full report is available on request, if you would like to find out more contact


News News & Opinion Places for Everyone

Feb 2023 – Developed and Technical Design (Stages 3-4) awards

The most recent funding awards for Places for Everyone projects at Developed and Technical Design (Stages 3-4) have now been announced.

Applications for projects at Developed and Technical Design (Stages 3-4) were presented to The Decision Making Panel in December 2022, with awards for successful projects being made in February 2023.

See list of awards.

The next set of funding awards will be announced for project applications at Construction (Stages 5-7) in spring 2023.

The most recent funding awards for Places for Everyone projects at Developed and Technical Design (Stages 3-4) have now been announced. Credit: John Linton, 2019.

What has been awarded?

Details about successful projects progressing to the Developed and Technical Design stages can be found below.

Ashgrove Connects: £1,815,000

Proposals include reducing the speed of traffic, creating more crossings, simplifying junctions, providing separate areas for active travel, and co-designing community spaces which will increase road user safety.

Bathgate Water Improvement Project: £130,000

By taking a holistic approach to improving the watercourse that runs through the Wester Inch area of Bathgate, this project will provide a path network that will encourage active travel and create an environment that supports wildlife.

The Causey Project Phase 2: £192,362

Phase 2of thiscommunity led project will transform the quality of the area around West Crosscauseway to re-establish it as an important route for everyday active travel and improve the sense of place for local people. 

Cessnock-Ibrox Village Strip – Liveable Neighbourhoods: £528,826

This project will see the addition of controlled pedestrian crossings, wider and continuous footways, enhanced lighting, placemaking and new greenspaces. A new protected cycleway along Paisley Road West will also be created.  

City-wide Public Bike Parking: £14,480

This project will see public bike parking infrastructure installed and increased across the City of Edinburgh to encourage more people to cycle for their everyday journeys.

Civic Street, establishing an active travel intersection for the canal: £35,000

This project will improve the walking, wheeling, and cycling routes that converge at Civic Street, connecting the city centre with communities in north Glasgow.  

Dalbeattie Active Travel Links Phase 2: £73,012

The project seeks to provide new cycling infrastructure, including a new footbridge, in Dalbeattie. This will improve connectivity to Dalbeattie Learning Campus, Dalbeattie Town Centre and Craignair Health Centre, as well as promoting active travel in the area.

The Dummy Railway: £233,978

The focus of this project is to create safer, more accessible routes for local people by upgrading the footpaths and landscaping in the area. This will increase play provision, encourage biodiversity and promote walking, wheeling, and cycling.

Flourishing Molendinar: £136,504

The Flourishing Molendinar active travel routes will extend high quality walking, wheeling, and cycling connections into the northeast of Glasgow and along the A80.

Follow On From Connecting West End community to Riverside & the Waterfront: £442,655

Replacing an existing footbridge over the East Coast railway which is at the end of its serviceable lifespan is the focus of this project. The current bridge is not suitable for users with mobility issues and anyone wheeling or cycling due to its stepped access.

Greater Govan City Network: £2,295,000

Designs for the Greater Govan area in Glasgow include the introduction of a high-quality cycling network, as well as enhanced pedestrian infrastructure and public realm improvements.

3 figures walking along the Loch Indaal Way.
Developed and Technical Design builds on early proposals from Concept (Stages 1-2) to help establish project designs which are shaped by local communities and key stakeholders that are construction ready. Credit: Sustrans, 2021.

Introduction of green infrastructure and an active travel route linking Eastern Springburn: £89,500

The aim of this project is to create a new active travel route linking communities to the east and west of the Red Road Transitional Regeneration Area (TRA). The new route will provide improvements to active walking, wheeling and cycling movement, whilst creating a new link between neighbourhoods and community facilities.

Leith Connections Phase 3: £653,000

Phase 3 will deliver pedestrian improvements, a segregated cycle track with protected junctions and improved placemaking along Leith’s west-east corridor.

Musselburgh Active Toun Routes 1 and 5 local Stage 3 & 4 Design: £371,000

Musselburgh Active Toun (MAT) is reimagining Musselburgh with sustainability, resilience and local communities at its heart. The project comprises six strategic active travel routes and a series of local connectors. This phase seeks to take forward two strategic routes and key local paths.

Musselburgh Active Toun Route 3 Stage 3 & 4 Design: £381,000

This phase is looking to take progress Route 3 – a strategic coastal route.

Possilpark Liveable Neighbourhood, Saracen Street: £429,638

This element of the Possilpark Liveable Neighbourhood will focus on the transformation of Saracen Street. It will improve the public realm and create new green infrastructure including protected cycle lanes as part of the city network.

Powderhall phase 2 Former Waste Transfer Station – Powderhall Junction: £46,540

This project seeks to enhance Powderhall Junction for people walking, wheeling, and cycling. The aim is to make it as easy as possible for people to move around the local area without the need for motorised transport.

Queensferry – walking, wheeling and cycling improvements: £428,000

Designs for significant improvements to active travel infrastructure in the south of Queensferry will connect communities with the town centre.

Stoneyburn Links – Bents to A706: £123,289

Stoneyburn Links will offer those dependent on car use a sustainable alternative for commuting in and out of the village by removing barriers and improving accessibility.

Union Street Transformation: £301,878

A community led co-design process aims to create a safer, more attractive, healthier and inclusive, climate resilient place enjoyed equitably by the people who live on, work in and visit the street.

Walk, Wheel, Cycle Burdiehouse: £348,000

Walk, Wheel, Cycle Burdiehousewill provide active travel infrastructure on key roads linking to housing developments in the area. Measures will include widened footpaths, segregated cycle tracks and newly signalised crossings.

Protected junctions introduced as part of the South City Way Places for Everyone project in Glasgow.
Places for Everyone provides 100% of the funding for all designs and other pre-construction activity. Credit: John Linton, 2021.

What does this mean?

Backed by the Scottish Government, Places for Everyone aims to create safer, more attractive, healthier, and inclusive places by increasing and diversifying the number of trips made by walking, wheeling, and cycling for everyday journeys.

Developed and Technical Design builds on early proposals from Concept (Stages 1-2) to help establish project designs which are shaped by local communities and key stakeholders that are construction ready.

Places for Everyone provides 100% of the funding for all designs and other pre-construction activity.

Construction (Stages 5-7) completes the Places for Everyone process by physically delivering the infrastructure on the ground.

Places for Everyone provides 70% of the funding for construction.

More information on Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work stages can be found here.

Decision Making Panels comprise of both senior members of the Sustrans infrastructure delivery teams as well as key external representatives.

More information on Decision Making Panels can be accessed here.

Engineering team National Cycle Network News Pocket Places

Perth residents celebrate community-developed revamp of Craigie Place

Residents, school pupils and artists who worked to redevelop Craigie Place in Perth have celebrated following the completion of installations designed to make the area a better place to walk, wheel, cycle and live.

Craigie Place pictured from above. Artwork by Bigg Design and Fun Makes Good

The square where Craigie Place meets Glenearn Road and Windsor Terrace, on National Cycle Network Route 775, has been resurfaced and a designated cycle path installed. Also among the improvements are the installation of benches, cycle parking and raised beds for planting. 

Artists Eleanor Young from Fun Makes Good and Hamish Bigg from Bigg Design designed wayfinding artwork and floor murals, highlighting places of local interest as well as those further along NCN775 such as Loch Leven, and, more locally, Perth’s South Inch park and Craigie Burn. 

The improvements, developed by Sustrans Scotland and Perth and Kinross Council together with the community, Inch View Primary School and St Mary Magdalene’s Church through online consultations and surveys, were designed to address local concerns about unsafe and illegal parking in the square, as well as difficulty finding NCN775. 

Artwork by Bigg Design and Fun Makes Good

Paul Ruffles, Principal Urban Designer, Sustrans, said: 

“This is a wonderful small project delivered in partnership with the local community, Perth and Kinross Council and local artists. The work has transformed the space from a redundant space used for car parking into a calm, green and vibrant space for people of all ages and abilities. It’s a real pleasure to see these changes happen and highlights the value of putting people at the heart of decisions on their local spaces.” 

Installations at Craigie Place, Perth. Image: Janie Meikle Bland

Christopher Lennox, Technician, Road Safety, Traffic and Network, Perth & Kinross Council, said: 

“My involvement in the scheme was to investigate, partially design and organise the hard landscaping works on behalf of Sustrans. This included helping with the construction strategy and traffic management plan. The pocket places programme has revitalised the small space creating a focal point in the community, having improved travel networks benefitting both pedestrians and cyclists.”

Members of the Sustrans team with artists Eleanor Young and Hamish Bigg at the launch. Image: Janie Meikle Bland

Artists Eleanor Young and Hamish Bigg said:  

Bigg Design and Fun Makes Good have been delighted to work with Sustrans and Perth and Kinross Council to transform this once derelict space. We were amazed at the support and responses we received from Inch View Primary School and the local community. It’s been particularly enjoyable getting hands-on installing the artwork and meeting residents as they’ve come to chat to us and see the project evolve – everyone has been so friendly and enthusiastic about the new space! 

“Located on the National Cycle Network, the sculpture draws on the aesthetics of road signage and ground markings, reinventing them to create a colourful and engaging public space. A circle of posts support double-sided artworks symbolising local landmarks and places of interest, whilst a hand-painted ground mural acts as a ‘compass’ to point visitors in their direction.  

“Combined with Sustrans’ landscape design, we hope the new space creates an oasis of art and planting in the urban environment – a place to meet, rest and play, that invites exploration of the local area.”

Artwork by Bigg Design and Fun Makes Good
Craigie Place before the installations.

Sustrans Scotland’s Pocket Places programme is an opportunity for local communities to shape their neighbourhood and take a lead in making their local area a better place to live. Pocket Places is funded by the Scottish Government through Transport Scotland and delivered by Sustrans Scotland.

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Community Engagement Key to Flourishing Molendinar Success 

Celebrations were held on Langdale Street in the North East of Glasgow last month, as early designs to improve walking, wheeling, and cycling in the local area were completed. 

On the 22nd and 23rd September residents came together to learn about the ambitions of the Flourishing Molendinar project. 

Play days were held on the section of the street that St. Paul’s Youth Forum – the group leading the project – wants to close to through traffic in order to promote active, sustainable travel and create a community space.

It was a fantastic event with many families coming down to enjoy the space. Local children had their bikes fixed, held races on the closed road and were able to learn more about the vision of the project. 

Inspiration behind the project

For many years, Langdale Street and the surrounding areas have experienced high levels of traffic and poor air quality. 

As Jean McClean from Blackhill Community Council, explained: “This wee community is stuck right in the middle of two motorways, and this is a thorough-through for kids from Blackhill to get up to St Philomena’s. It’s quite dangerous with cars and big trucks flying up and down this area.”

Community engagement found that barriers to active travel in this part of Glasgow were the speed and volume of traffic, lack of safe routes and the condition of the paths.  

Celebrations held on Langdale Street, Glasgow as designs to improve walking, wheeling, and cycling in the area were completed. Credit: Sustrans, 2022.

What is Flourishing Molendinar? 

Flourishing Molendinar aims to create a network of segregated active travel routes and quiet streets which are accessible and safe, making it easier and more enjoyable for local people to walk, wheel, and cycle. 

“One of the things in the community that was often fed back to us was about transport poverty.  

We’re only three miles away from the city centre, but there’s a massive disconnect in terms of public transport – in getting to and from the city centre.  

“It’s [the project] about ensuring people in the North East of Glasgow can enjoy the same opportunities as their peers across the city”

Ben Raw, St Paul’s Community Group

As part of the proposed work, Langdale Street will be transformed into a quiet route where walking, wheeling, and cycling are prioritised, whilst still maintaining access for residents, blue badge holders and emergency service vehicles.

Pupils of St. Philomena’s Primary School will be one of the main beneficiaries of the project which will create safer routes for travelling to and from school. 

Flourishing Molendinar will eventually lead to the development of Langdale Place – a proposed community space featuring enhanced greenspace, benches and places for people to meet and socialise. 

Local children will be one of the main beneficiaries of the project which will create safer routes for travelling to and from school. Credit: Sustrans, 2022.

Driven by and for the local community

Flourishing Molendinar has, up to this point, been led by St. Paul’s Youth Forum and their On Bikes project. Funding was provided by Sustrans’ Places for Everyone programme, with support from Glasgow City Council and designers Urban Movement.

To make sure that the developments fit the needs and wants of local people, members of the community have fed in throughout the design process.  

Since the project started a number of exciting consultation and engagement methods were used to ensure that different voices were heard.  

Activities included tasking school children with creating designs for Langdale Place during Minecraft workshops. Most recently, this approach to engaging young people in street design won the award for ‘Most Innovative Transport Project of the Year’ at the Scottish Transport Awards.

Innovative consultation and engagement methods were used to ensure different voices from the community fed into the design process. Credit: Sustrans, 2022.

A session with local artists was also held during St Paul’s weekly community evening meal. Attendees were shown a museum box containing old toys, games and photographs which was used to inspire conversations on how streets were used in the past. 

Other methods of communication included social media campaigns, logo drawing and badge making sessions, meetings with a local steering group, street stalls and led cycle rides that included additional learning regarding climate change, air pollution, urban design and the Flourishing Molendinar project. 

This cross-community engagement has been very successful and culminated with the Langdale Street closure, where people came together to celebrate the project.  

“It’s great for me to see my community happy. My community is going to benefit out of this closure and this project”

Jean McClean, Blackhill Community Council

What’s next?

Flourishing Molendinar is now moving to the next stage of the development and is being handed over to Glasgow City Council who are going to drive it forwards.

“Flourishing Molendinar shows what can be achieved when communities are engaged with redevelopment projects.

The combination of new public spaces, improved pedestrian crossings, new segregated cycle lanes and redesigned quiet streets is going to transform this area of Glasgow.

It is going to connect people together, and ensure that everyone in the local community, regardless of age or ability, can safely walk, wheel or cycle for everyday journeys”.

Michael Melton, Grant Manager at Sustrans

Enabling independent travel for young people

Research from Sustrans and A Place In Childhood places the spotlight on the importance of designing the built environment for and with young people.

The publication details the needs of young people when walking, wheeling or cycling and showcases effective approaches to incorporating their perspectives in projects. In doing so it addresses a portion of society which has historically been neglected in urban planning and transport provision.

Two teenagers speaking next to their bicycles.

The importance of independent mobility

In this report, children and young people’s ‘independent mobility’ refers to the freedom that people aged 11 – 16 have to roam public space and reach key destinations without the accompaniment of an adult.

We know this has been declining across the UK for at least the last 50 years, and the consequences for young people’s quality of life are well documented.

However, we still have some way to go towards building a picture of what youth-friendly infrastructure looks like, and understanding the key ingredients for bringing this about.

“Developing independence is an important part of growing up, and yet without opportunities for active travel young people are often dependent on parents or carers getting them from A to B by car.

“This participatory research project shows that young people are very good at showing us what could be better in the places they live, but all too often their views are assumed or ignored.

“While most research on this topic has so far focused on travel to school, this work covers any and all the places young people in our case studies wanted to access.

“The results set a framework for how we can make positive interventions in infrastructure to get more young people walking, wheeling and cycling.”

Study author, Dr Jenny Wood

What did the research set out to explore?

  • What do young people and their parents/carers need from active travel infrastructure to be healthy, happy and safe when travelling independently on their everyday journeys?
  • Current issues: What are the things which deter young people from travelling independently and parents/carers from allowing it?
  • Priority areas for action: What changes would have the biggest positive impact on young people’s confidence and motivation to walk, wheel and cycle?
  • How would new and improved active travel infrastructure change the travel experience?

What did we do? The research approach

The research took a ‘participatory’ approach, meaning it placed young people and parents/carers’ lived experiences at the heart of answering the above questions.

The researchers worked with groups of ‘young consultants’ and parents/carers in four Scottish communities which spanned different socioeconomic and rural-urban scales. Each community worked to co-produce ‘active travel maps’ of their areas which display and describe the experiences of living in each place.

The results from each location are brought together with evidence from published research to highlight the key changes to the built environment and social factors which would encourage independent active travel.

Northfield and Mastrick Active Travel Map. The base map contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

What did we find?

The findings emphasise that young people’s travel is about far more than simply getting from A to B. Getting out and about depends on the quality and availability of motivating and accessible destinations. For independent active travel these need to be connected by safe and enjoyable routes.

Equally important are the broader cultural factors. These include:

  • Tackling antisocial behaviour in communities
  • Building an inclusive cycling culture
  • Ensuring adequate internet and mobile technology coverage in public space
  • Encouraging families to become more familiar with active travel opportunities with their children

The report also showcases the detailed place-specific outputs from working with young people and parents/carers in this participatory way at a local level. Differences in terms of urban/rural differentiation, socioeconomic status of area, age and gender are explored alongside the overall picture for the UK and Scotland.

Want to find out more?

Read the full report here: Enabling Independent Travel for Young Scots: Age-appropriate Active Travel Infrastructure for 11-16 year olds.


Further reading:

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Trial of Protected Junctions finds cycling numbers double along South City Way

The Glasgow South City Way project is delivering a high-quality active travel corridor from the heart of the South Side through to Glasgow City Centre.

The project is part of Glasgow’s ambition to become a cycle friendly city – linking routes and destinations by “quiet ways” that enable anyone regardless of ability to travel by bike.

As the project developed, two protected junctions (road junctions that separate people travelling on foot, by cycle, and in vehicles) were trialled at a couple of locations along Victoria Road.

They were the first protected junctions ever trialled in Scotland!

What were the outcomes of the trials?

Protected junctions introduced on Victoria Road as part of the South City Way Places for Everyone project in Glasgow. Credit: John Linton, 2021.

During the trial period Sustrans’ Research and Monitoring Unit (RMU) found a significant increase in cycle traffic.

Between March 2019 and September 2021, the total cycle traffic through the junctions had almost doubled.

Pedestrian traffic changed much less in the same period, increasing slightly at one junction and decreasing at the other.

Video footage from the same period showed that 94% of cyclists followed the segregated cycleway through the protected junctions as intended.

Similar footage revealed that pedestrian behaviour had also changed between the pre and post-intervention monitoring.

At the protected junctions, fewer people were crossing on the diagonal, opting instead to cross each arm of the junction separately. Crossing when the red figure shows had increased suggesting that people felt safe enough to cross when traffic was still flowing through the junction.

How have perceptions of safety changed?

As part of the RMU study, 218 interviews were carried out with people who walk and cycle to find out how the introduction of the junctions had changed safety perceptions.

The responses were conclusive, with all the cyclists and over two thirds of the people walking feeling either safe or very safe when using them.

There were, however, also learnings to be taken.

Some people reported confusion with the crossing signs and the position of signals at the new junction layout.

A few survey responses raised concerns for the experience of vulnerable groups using the protected junctions, including the light controls not having sound for people with sight impairment, and trip hazards due to the path and road being at different heights.

A small number of those interviewed also highlighted cyclists not using bells, not observing red lights and travelling in the wrong direction.

The introduction of the protected junctions has allowed more people to walk, wheel and cycle safely in the South Side. Credit: John Linton, 2021.

Looking forwards

While initial findings from the study are very encouraging, the team noted that further work is required to support the roll out of these protected junctions.

“We are pleased by our initial findings after the introduction of the protected junctions on the Victoria Road section of the South City Way.

Those we spoke to reported an increased sense of safety when using the junctions, and the growth of cycle traffic volume since their installation shows they will be an important tool to encouraging more people to use active travel for everyday journeys.

However, we know that there is a lot more work to be done.

Future monitoring will capture more data on the direction of cyclists travelling along the cycleway, and there will be a focus on the experiences of vulnerable groups using the intervention to ensure that everyone is able to safely walk, wheel and cycle in Glasgow”.

Ben Farrington, RMU Evaluation Officer at Sustrans