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Refreshers on Financial Reporting

A series of webinars familiarising partners with the Places for Everyone Spend & Claim guidance, and reporting process.

In November and December, Places for Everyone partners had the opportunity to attend a webinar and Q&A with Colleen Trousdale, Grant Manager and Nico Jensen, Project Accountant at Sustrans.

In the webinar, recorded below, Colleen provided a refresher on the financial guidance and processes updated in the summer.


In the summer, Transport Scotland (TS) and Sustrans agreed new reporting procedures for project partners receiving funding via Places for Everyone.

As such, all partners are now required to provide monthly financial updates via the project portal for all projects, due by the last working day of each month.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • A forecast of total project expenditure for the next 3 months
  • Actual spend-to-date for the current financial year for the whole project
  • A forecast of the grant claims to be submitted each quarter

Having a clear, detailed and accurate picture of project positions allows the PfE team to make quicker decisions on use of that budget in year, reallocating budget as appropriate (to allow further grant awards and/or change requests to be progressed) and giving assurance to TS that the full budgeted award will be spent within the year.


To support you with this, the PfE team has produced guidance which is now available on the Sustrans Scotland.

Previous webinar: recording & FAQs

You can also catch up on the previous webinar delivered on this topic, from 12 July 2023. This was also delivered by Nico Jensen, who introduced the guidance, provided more information on the process and answered questions from partners. This page includes a recording, slides, and responses to questions from attendees.