ConstructiveConversations Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Sustainable Procurement

The Climate Emergency & Infrastructure Constructive Conversations – 24 April 2024

In this session we discussed embedding sustainable procurement practices in construction of active travel infrastructure. What sustainable materials are out there? What should you be considering in terms of cost vs benefit? What should you be asking for from suppliers and contractors you engage to carry out work on your projects?

Our expert panel spent half an hour discussing these questions and more around procurement in the construction industry, and for active travel in particular.

Following watching the recording you may find it useful to take a few minutes to reflect on the discussion.

  • What is still circling around in your head on this topic?
  • What do you feel is ‘squared away’ – you feel you have a much clearer understanding of?
  • What key takeaways or highlights do you have from the discussion?

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Further Information

Below are contact details for some of our panelists if you wish to contact them directly, and some links to further information relating to this topic that you may find useful.

Useful Links

Sustainable Procurement Ltd provides services for public and private sector procurers, as well as private and third sector suppliers. Services range from sustainable procurement strategy for clients to innovation in the supply of specific products and services – Sustainable Procurement Limited – Homepage

Sustrans has been working to decarbonise our activities. if you would like to see our Carbon Reduction Plan, you can find it here:

Further information on the Procurement for Innovation approach in Geelong Australia. Procurement for innovation – City of Greater Geelong (

Further information on the National Highways Low Carbon Programme – Four firms reach final stage of low carbon programme – National Highways

Scotland-Excel was mentioned as a procurement specialist for public sector – Scotland Excel | Scotland Excel (

Scottish Collaboration of Transportation Specialists was mentioned as a resource for sharing learning –

LCRIG mentioned by David, has a mission, centred around collaboration, innovation, skills, and a dedicated commitment to decarbonisation in the highways sector, facilitates positive change within the highways community and among our members. We act as a vital link between central and local government, the supply chain, and the wider highways community. LCRIG

The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) was mentioned as a support for smaller suppliers to bid on public sector contracts –Supplier Development Programme | Helping you bid better (

The Procura+ Network has been developed by and for procurers and staff dealing with sustainability and innovation issues in public authorities. There is a fee to join the network, but the website also has a wealth of case studies and resources from across the EU. Procura+ |  Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network (

The Scottish Government Sustainable Procurement duty requires Local Authorities to set out in procurement strategies how they intend to comply with the duty, and to report annually on progress. Sustainable procurement duty – Public sector procurement – ( In addition, there is a set of resources to help local authorities embed this work

 Zero Waste Scotland has developed an online interactive guide to reduce waste, and enhance reuse and recycling, through design and resource efficiency for construction, renovation and demolition, it was developed back in 2016 so some of the targets have shifted, but the same principles would apply.

Phil has provided this example of a trialed low carbon aggregate. Sustrans cannot make any recommendations regarding this material here. If you think it would be suitable for use in a Sustrans funded project you are working on, please discuss this with your grant advisor.

About Constructive conversations

Grab a cuppa, get comfortable and join us for some informal constructive conversations about some of the challenges in delivering active travel infrastructure.

At each 1 hour session, our expert panel will spend half an hour discussing key questions and more around the chosen topic. Following this, you can take part in an optional small group discussion where you can share your own experiences on the topic, present a related issue in a live project, and receive advice and feedback from peers.

Other sessions

The ‘Climate Emergency and Infrastructure’ series of constructive conversations explores sustainability in construction of active travel projects.

The ‘By Design’ series of constructive conversations explores how urban design in active travel projects can help to address some of the big issues facing society today.

ConstructiveConversations Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Integrating PAS 2080 Carbon Emissions Standards

The Climate Emergency & Infrastructure Constructive Conversations – 24 January 2024.

In this session we took a deep dive into the refreshed PAS 2080 standard (the standard for managing carbon in infrastructure). What does the introduction of this standard mean for active travel infrastructure projects? How can it be embedded into working practices, and what do project teams need to be thinking about so that they are ready for the changes it will bring to construction requirements?

Our expert panel spent half an hour discussing these questions and more around how PAS 2080 can help speed up decarbonisation in the built environment sector.

Following watching the recording you may find it useful to take a few minutes to reflect on the discussion.

  • What is still circling around in your head on this topic?
  • What do you feel is ‘squared away’ – you feel you have a much clearer understanding of?
  • What key takeaways or highlights do you have from the discussion?

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Further Information

Below are contact details for some of our panelists if you wish to contact them directly, and some links to further information relating to this topic that you may find useful.

Useful Links & Resources

  • Our panelist, Maria, suggested looking at the ‘PAS City’ example on page 24 in the above guidance, which illustrates a worked example of a fictional project and how they applied the PAS 2080 carbon management process and the key decarbonisation principles.

About Constructive conversations

Grab a cuppa, get comfortable and join us for some informal constructive conversations about some of the challenges in delivering active travel infrastructure.

At each 1 hour session, our expert panel will spend half an hour discussing key questions and more around the chosen topic. Following this, you can take part in an optional small group discussion where you can share your own experiences on the topic, present a related issue in a live project, and receive advice and feedback from peers.

Other sessions

The ‘Climate Emergency and Infrastructure’ series of constructive conversations explores sustainability in construction of active travel projects.

The ‘By Design’ series of constructive conversations explores how urban design in active travel projects can help to address some of the big issues facing society today.

Look out for more series on different topics in future, and if there is a topic you would like to suggest for a series, or a standalone session, please do get in touch with us

ConstructiveConversations Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Integrating Climate Adaptations

By Design Constructive Conversations (20 December 2023).

What challenges does our changing climate bring to our public places? What adaptation measures exist that we can use to future proof infrastructure developments against the impacts of our changing climate? Our panel discussed these questions and more around how urban design elements can integrate innovative solutions into walking, wheeling, cycling, and public spaces design.

Following watching the recording you may find it useful to take a few minutes to reflect on the discussion.

  • What is still circling around in your head on this topic?
  • What do you feel is ‘squared away’ – you feel you have a much clearer understanding of?
  • What key takeaways or highlights do you have from the discussion?

Below are contact details for some of our panelists if you wish to contact them directly, and some links to further information relating to this topic that you may find useful.

Feedback Survey

We would appreciate you taking a moment to complete our short feedback survey after you’ve watched the recording.

Further Information

See below for some links to further information and projects mentioned by the panelists. Some of our panelists have also kindly provided contact details if you would like to get in touch with them about their work in this area: 

Useful Links

See below for some links to further information and projects mentioned by the panelists.

  • The Papdale East Playpark project Janette talked about is a fantastic project, solving problems with flooding as well as providing a space for the community to come together to play and connect and travel actively through what was a previously waterlogged location.
  • Adaptation Scotland provides a range of advice and resources for anyone interested in integrating climate adaptation and climate resilience in their projects.
  • NatureScot is another Scotland-based resource for information on how climate measures can increase biodiversity through strategic use of green and blue infrastructure.
  • Community Climate Adaptation Routemap touches upon a lot of the things discussed.
  • Climate Ready Clyde’s Climate Vulnerability Map is a great example of drawing together heat, flood risk and multiple deprivation index data to inform decisions.
  • Guide to Climate Change Adaptation by Design looks at specific ideas and case studies across household to street to neighborhood to catchment scales.

Specific projects mentioned and other useful links include:

About Constructive conversations

Grab a cuppa, get comfortable and join us for some informal constructive conversations about some of the challenges in delivering active travel infrastructure.

At each 1 hour session, our expert panel will spend half an hour discussing key questions and more around the chosen topic. Following this, you can take part in an optional small group discussion where you can share your own experiences on the topic, present a related issue in a live project, and receive advice and feedback from peers.

Other sessions

The ‘By Design’ series of constructive conversations explores how urban design in active travel projects can help to address some of the big issues facing society today.

The Climate Emergency and Infrastructure series of constructive conversations explores sustainability in construction of active travel projects.

Look out for more series on different topics in future, and if there is a topic you would like to suggest for a series, or a standalone session, please do get in touch with us

ConstructiveConversations Engage • Inspire • Learn PfE

Constructive Conversations – The Climate Emergency & Infrastructure collection


Grab a cuppa, get comfortable and join us for some informal constructive conversations about sustainability in delivering active travel infrastructure.

At each 1 hour session, our expert panel spent half an hour discussing key questions and more around these topics. Following this, participants were invited to take part in optional small group discussions where they could share their own experiences on the topic, present a related issue in a live project, and receive advice and feedback from peers.

Past session recordings and information

Other series

The ‘By Design’ series of constructive conversations explored how urban design in active travel projects can help to address some of the big issues facing society today.